Sorosuub Centroplex in Walker Assault mode provides vehicles for both Rebel and Imperial fighters. Should you spawn Imperial, head straight for the creek bed located outside and you shall find an AT-ST vehicle token. Spawning as an Imperial soldier on The Forest Moon of Endor means you’re allowed to pilot some heavy machinery. In order to access the land speeder as both, Imperial or Rebel, head straight for the creek bed which is located outdoors. Rebel soldiers, on the other hand, are only allowed to pilot a speeder bike, which to be fair can blast an enemy or two, but hardly does any conceivable damage toward a particular enemy. For example, Imperial fighters in Walker Assault mode on The Forest Moon of Endor are given the opportunity to pilot an AT-ST.
On The Forest Moon of Endor, Rebel fighters are not given many options in regards to vehicles that pack a powerful punch. Several Imperial vehicles may be utilized in Jundland Wastes such as: Tie fighters, AT-ST's, and AT-AT's.